How to follow-up a subscriber with another interaction campaign

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Let’s say you want to give to your new subscribers a coupon code. You can display the coupon code on the thank you section for your form. But usually people do not write it down and the coupon is lost.

So a solution would be to display it on the next pages (or only on checkout page) to the user.


Step 1. Add some js code on the submit event for lead collector campaign. This code will write a cookie.

vt_coupon is just an example name for the cookie. Use any name you want, but it’s best to keep it lowercase with no spaces.

_vtsdk.Helpers.writeCookie('vt_coupon', '1');

Step 2. For the second campaign one of the conditions needs to consider Cookie Name and its Value.

Besides this condition which is required to only show the second campaign only to those who submitted their email, you can add any other conditions

That’s all.

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