How to integrate Marketing Automation app with Shopify

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Our app can be easily integrated with Shopify. There are 2 ways of doing it, depending if you have created an account with us or not.

For example if you switch to Shopify from another ecommerce platform, you already have an account with us and only want to connect the new Shopify store to it.

IMPORTANT: Please use the link from your dashboard if you already have an account with us, because we won’t be able to link those afterwards.

It’s important to use the right solution, so we can merge accounts (for existing created accounts)

Connect an existing account with your Shopify store

You need to login to your account and go to Settings -> Account Profile -> Integration code. In there you will have a link to connect with your Shopify store.


Connect Shopify store and also create an account with us

Find our APP inside Shopify apps marketplace and click the install button. Second option is to get it installed from the link within your dashboard.

Shopify configuration

There might be cases when addtocart events are not being sent. The most common reason for this is that Shopify themes are unique and classes and ID’s on elements are different. Please check our Custom Javascript Selectors to edit those.

For addtocart event you need to set addtocart_class and/or addtocart_btn inside custom shop selectors. The order we are selecting a selector:

  • addtocart_btn
  • addtocart_class
  • “.add_to_cart”

Note: Use valid CSS selectors, not only the name of the class or ID (that means including . for class and # for id)

Product Feed

We do our best to correctly sync Shopify products with our system, including inventory and stock. As a general rule the system does the following:

  • each product variant has it’s own stock.
  • main products stock is the sum of all variants stocks.

Site Events

Shopify integration works a bit different than the other plugins, because of how their platform was built.

2 events are not visible on the client side, and are sent using API’s

  • checkout step
  • confirmation


How to recreate Shopify carts using our system

Checkout event that is sent from Shopify allows you to recreate the cart. Note that this is only available on the “checkout” triggered transactional campaigns.

The cart permalink looks like the following. Only change “” with your own shopify domain.**|event.generic.restore|**
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