For a server-side integration of events the following steps are required:
- obtaining an API key for the account (used to authorize requests)
- providing a product feed
- implementing tracking script on the front-end.
General tips:
- please make sure data types and structure is valid
- parameters and field names are case-sensitive. orderId is different from orderid
Our standard events API facilitates the transmission of confirmation events (orders) to the VTmarketing platform.
Endpoint | https://api.vtcdn.net/v1/event/ |
Request Type | POST |
Headers | Authorization: api_key |
Headers | Content-Type: application/json |
Each account is assigned a unique API key which serves as an authentication token for accessing our API. Upon registration, each account API key needs to be securely stored on your end. This key is essential for authenticating API requests and ensuring secure communication between your system and our platform. Please ensure that you keep this API key confidential and do not share it with unauthorized parties.
With the following JSON encoded payload.
It has 2 mandatory parameters: user and event. Each of them is described below
“user” | {"email": "[email protected]", "tel": "0775123123"} |
“event”: | { "orderId": "unique_order_id", "total": 400.33, "status":"order_status", "coupons":["coupon1", "coupon2"], "phone":"phone number", "currency": "RON", "total_shipping": 22.00 }, {"id":"12345", "quantity": 1} ,{"id":"amnsdf", "quantity": 3} ,] }
Description of “user” object:
Attribute | Description | Type Example | Required |
User email address | [string] [email protected] | required | |
tel | User Phone number | [string] 0760000000 | optional |
firstname | User First Name | [string] John | optional |
lastname | User lastname | [string] Doe | optional |
country | User country | [string] United States | optional |
city | User city | [string] Boston | optional |
Description of “event” object.
It has a single key: “confirmation” which represents the event type. The value of “confirmation” attribute is a dict with the following attributes and values
Attribute | Description | Type & Example | Required |
generic | Object with extra information for the event | [object] | required |
generic.orderId | Unique order ID | [string] knssf22 | required |
generic.total | Total value of the purchase, including shipping. | [float] 435.00 | required |
generic.coupons | List of coupon codes used, as strings | [list] of strings [“coupon1”, “all10”] | optional |
generic.currency | Currency. Format is 3 letter ISO code: “USD”, “EUR”, “RON” | [string] EUR | optional |
generic.total_shipping | Total value paid for shipping | [float] 12.00 | optional |
generic.phone | Phone number provided by the user for this order | [string] 0760000000 | optional |
items | List of items that were purchased and their quantity. Each value is described below | [list] of objects | optional |
item | Object with “id” and “quantity” keys. – ID represent item identifier, the same from product feed and other site events. – quantity (self explained) |
- while list of items is optional, we strongly recommend sending this information
- missing orderId won’t generate an error but it’s needed to uniquely add orders to an user
- api key is used for authenticating requests and is found under each account settings
The server responds with 200 status code if data was successfully received with the following content:
"results": {
"message": "Event created",
"email": "Event was created for the specified user"
Any status code other than 200 indicates an error occurred.
"errors": [
"message": "Missing event information",
"description": "Please send event information along with user",
Please send orders in realtime (when the thank you page loads) or within a minimum timeframe after customer placed the order.
Example requests:
"email": "[email protected]",
"tel": "07650000000"
"orderId": "unique_order_id",
"total": 400.33,
"status": "order_status",
"coupons": ["coupon1", "coupon2"],
"phone": "phone number",
"currency": "RON",
"total_shipping": 22.00
"items": [
"id": "12345",
"quantity": 1
"id": "amnsdf",
"quantity": 3
} ]
Example of a valid request
Document History
Version 1 – Feb 2 2024
- Initial version, based on existing API documentation