Confirmation Event

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Confirmation event is sent when user makes a purchase. It can be used in many ways, but the most common ones are sending this event on Thank You page.

{"confirmation": {"items": [], "generic":{"orderId":"unique_id", "total":123, "coupons":["code_a", "code_b"]}}}


For the items list that is send along with the event we expect the following structure:

{"id": "item_id", "quantity": 1}
  • id is the internal identificator for the product that exists on your website and product feed
  • quantity is the number of items that were purchased

We use this information to calculate the total value of the confirmation and use it across reports.


Generic object for confirmation can have some custom attributes that are being read and used by our system:

  • orderId
    • used to reject other incoming events with the same orderId
    • used for confirmation events exports
    • will be assigned an unique identified if not set or empty
  • total:
    • if it’s higher than the total value we calculate based on product prices it will be used as total order value
    • useful when you don’t send items along with the event
    • useful for reports
  • coupons
    • we’re doing reports and segmentation based on confirmation events with/without discount codes
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