Define custom javascript selectors

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We’ve built integration modules for some of the most common ecommerce platforms.
However some themes customizations changed default values, so we’re not able to track some data correctly.

Usually the problematic events are addtocart and addtowishlist. So we added custom CSS selectors which can be set under your Settings ->Account Settings -> Advanced JS

There is a custom input field where you can setup these.

  • addtocart_btn -> CSS selector of the add to cart button on the product page (First element found)
  • addwishlist_btn ->CSS selector of the add to wishlist button on the product page
  • idCombination_input ->CSS selector of input field for combination value (when combinations are enabled, Prestashop only)
  • addtowishlist_class ->CSS selector of add to wishlist button on listing page (Category/Search results/Homepage. Multiple elements on page)
  • addtocart_class  -> CSS selector of add to cart button on listing page (Category/Search results/Homepage. Multiple elements on page)

Make sure to have all saved in a well formatted JSON:


{"addtocart_btn":"#add_to_cart", "addtowishlist_class":".link_addwishlist"}
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