How are assisted sales considered in reports?

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Any ecommerce sale consists in multiple touch points. For example, before buying, a customer visits your website multiple times:

  1. Users searches on google after a category name and lands on your website. Maybe at this point he subscribes to your newsletter;
  2. Finds you on Facebook and visits the website again;
  3. You send a newsletter and user opens the email;
  4. If you have paid advertising you might take him again to visit the website after another day and maybe adds some products to the cart;
  5. He receives a cart recovery email within an hour, clicks on it but doesn’t finish the purchase;
  6. Comes back from direct source (type your url in the browser) and finishes the purchase;

At this moment the purchase will be attributed to your G Analytics account as direct source purchase. We count it for both campaigns (newsletter and cart recovery email) as an assisted sale!

As a conclusion, the number of assisted sales for a campaign might be higher than the number of sales from a campaign found in G. Analytics.

New statistics starting May 2017 work as below:

Assisted campaign events

Only the following events will be considered as assisting purchases, if they happen within 7 days before purchase:

  • click on email campaign
  • click on site campaign
  • click on push notifications
  • submit form (email collector/poll)

Assisted product recommendations

Any clicks on items (from our recommendations) that are also bought within 1 day after click will add to the total of assisted values.

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