How to add products in the email visual editor

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You can add products inside email content using content blocks. Two options are available, to either choose the products manually or to enable product recommender to decide the products based on algorithms.

For automated emails, like abandoned carts or recurring campaigns we recommend using product recommender.

Blocks with Products

Add products manually

If you choose to enable manual selection a popup with the following content will show up.

You can select more products but there will be maximum 3 included if you enter 3 in the number of products field.

Start adding products by typing product title in the Add product field

Use product recommender

If you choose to enable recommender you will see a screen similar to the following.

Here you set:

  • maximum number of products to include
  • list of algorithms that will return the products. Those alghoritms work in waterfall method
  • fallback (what happens when none of the algorithms returned products)
  • extra configurations (filters) for the algorithms.

Available algorithms

To read more about product recommender algorithms please read this article.

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