How to check last user activity and emails received

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If you want to check user activity and emails that were sent in the last time, have a look below. For this you will need user email address or unique identifier (UID is harder to procure, if you don’t have access to user browser)

1. Go to Users section and Users submenu.

2. Enter User email address or ID in the input field.

3. If user was found, click on the email address. A popup will open.

4. Here you will have a preview of the user profile.

5. In the events tab you can view details of last 100 events, with details of each event. This is useful to see if you have events with specific conditions that triggered an email.

6. Emails tab will show you last sent emails. Here you will also be able to click the preview link to see the content that was sent to a user.

7. Extra tab will show details about  user activity, grouped by specific events.

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