From all available question types you get when creating polls and surveys, 3 of them give you the possibility to update user tags based on answers.
- Multiple answers
- One Answer
- Toggle (Yes/No)

For each answer with a tag attached chosen when answering, the tag is added to the user.
If multiple answers are selected by the answer, then all tags are being added to the user.
Note that this is done using the update event. You will see it in User profile history.
Survey campaigns
Survey campaigns run on dedicated pages. Most of the times this is a different URL than your main account, therefore visitors are not identified.
In order to lead visitors to surveys and collect their answers you need to add user_id as param to survey link.

So you will need to add ?user_id=real_user_id in order to link the survey with the right answer.
Add user_id from within email**|user._id|**
Add user_id from javascript
Add user_id to links inside interactions campaigns:
Use: **|user._id|** in the template href attribute for the required link
Add user_id to custom links:
Use Javascript code to add user_id param from