Onsite Campaigns Triggers

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Triggering onsite campaigns can be done in different ways:

  • based on how much time user spent on page
  • when it scrolls
  • clicking page elements
  • on exit intent (desktop)
  • on inactivity
  • on closing the page
  • on leaving the page (mobile)
Screenshot of onsite campaign triggers.

After time spent on page

Campaign will be displayed using a delay starting at page load.

On Scrolling:

Display campaign when user scrolls up to a specific percentage.

On clicking page elements:

Campaign is displayed when user clicks specific page elements. Use valid CSS selectors:

On Exit intent:

Display campaign when user leaves page (or has the intent of doing it). There are many settings, as explained below:

  • sensitivity: space between top page and mouse position. The smaller the value it will be more precise.
  • timer:  time after page load this exit intent trigger is considered. Sometimes is important to let user to stay a while on the page before
  • delay: when intent is captured, campaign is displayed after this specific value (in seconds)
  • cancel display: if user returns to the page after intent is captured, during delay time, you can cancel the display of the campaign
  • corner: you can select what is the direction of the mouse when leaving the page (left, right, any or based on operating system: Windows on the right, and the others on the left side)
  • corner area: percentage of page width where the user can exit the page to trigger campaign. Starting from sides.

On inactivity:

After user is inactive on the page, but the page is still open

On page close:

When user closes the page, there is a possibility to display a campaign. No configurations available.

Because of some limitation of browsers, first it will be displayed an alert like the following:

If user clicks Cancel, then campaign is displayed. If it clicks Leave, the page gets closed.

On site leave (mobile):

Display a campaign when user clicks the back button of their mobile browser. No configurations available.

Reasons to use various triggers:

  1. Increase conversions: Testing different triggers gives you insight into the best timing and context for your popups.
  2. Better user experience: You can customize your popups to provide value to users at exactly the right time.
  3. Track user behavior: Testing different triggers allows you to observe user behavior and see how response rates change when different triggers are used.

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