What whitelabel options do you provide?

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For the whitelabel options there are 2 main options:

  1. Whitelabel agency account on one of our existing instances, where you have access to up to date feature, improvements all the time.
  2. Dedicated whitelabel, where we built an instance similar to our in the area where your customers are.

How do I decide which whitelabel option is right for me?

We do it together through a set of discovery calls. But to make an idea here are the most common things to keep in mind:

  • Whitelabel on our existing instances:
    • You have just a couple of customers you are running marketing campaigns for
    • You are ok with having data in the same place with data from other customers.
    • You are flexible over the external service providers you use or can wait to integrate new ones.
    • Pricing is based per number of active visitors each account has on a monthly basis
    • Types of customers:
      • business owner running multiple digital businesses (ecommerce for example)
      • small digital agencies with 5-100 accounts that are not very technical

  • Dedicated whitelabel
    • You have over 100 customers, driving at least 15 million visits per month in total
    • You have PII data that according to company policies must be kept separated
    • You want to keep an eye on system performance and monitoring (we provide it)
    • You need custom data archiving, custom integrations with existing software or data platforms.
    • It’s more expensive and incurs a fixed monthly fee but on large scale it’s worth the cost as you can scale up without paying for monthly active visitors.
    • Types of customers:
      • Enterprise (financial, medical services) that need to keep data private
      • Large agencies running hundreds of accounts
      • Very large ecommerce businesses with millions of products

There are many details to consider when choosing and building this for you, but if you have questions please contact us.

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