Common issues with push notifications

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After having our web push solution installed by many of our customers, here are the most common issues found when installing those:

  1. Public files are not available in the browser.
    • Make sure the required files are uploaded to the server and are publicly available.
    • Browser worker is instantiated with the correct file path
  2. Enable Push notifications from our dashboard and purge cache.
    • Goto Settings > Webpush
  3. Push notifications only work with the following requirements:
    • https must be enabled for your domain
    • your browser is not in an incognito mode
    • Chrome, Mozzila and Microsoft Edge browsers
  4. Your browser is not in an incognito mode
    • You must have a normal browser window
  5. You do not use browser extensions or modules that might block popups, permissions or privacy trackers
    • There is no specific list of those, but it’s best to test with clean installation of browsers
  6. You already granted notifications or you have the blocked
    • Set those to default by clicking on the left side of the browser address bar
    • Check it by entering the following command in browser developer console, which should return “default”: _vtsdk.User.context.session.pushStatus
  7. Widget display (prior to asking for browser push) was already displayed or conditions are not valid
    • Open browser developer console and run the following command:  _vtsdk.webpush.askPermission()
    • Standard browser notification permission widget should be displayed, asking you to confirm
  8. Logo image is not showing up
    • URL of the logo must be over https
    • on mobile, the logo is set not to be displayed, because of the small screens


If you understand how those notifications work in the browser and want to reset, test and ask for permissions using our campaigns:

First, reset permissions from the browser (if allowed, granted, you must set it to default)

Reset webpush default permission widget (useful if it was already displayed)


Display webpush widget:

_vtsdk.Campaign.displayCampaign(101, true)

Ask for permissions directly. Browsers might not allow calling this method directly. As solution, you could wrap it in a click listener.

// document.onclick=_vtsdk.webpush.askPermission
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