How to resubscribe an user?

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If an user has unsubscribed or your defaults are set to false, you can subscribe an email address by the following methods:

From site javascript:

Based on this article, there are javascript events you can send to our servers from your website.

Send us the email address of the user who subscribed, along with the isSubscribed and isSubscribedAlerts set to true.


window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
login: {
email: "[email protected]",
isSubscribed: true,
isSubscribedAlerts: true

2. From server, through API

Update the user with the same attributes, isSubscribed and isSubscribedAlerts set to true.

Here’s more information.

3. Manually from the dashboard

Go to Users->Users, search for the user’s email address, click find and then click on it. In the popup that appears you can set the values for isSubscribed and isSubscribedAlerts from the list.

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