Onsite campaigns Segmentation & Conditions

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Onsite campaigns (interactions, polls, content) can be displayed to only some recipients, in a similar way to our advanced historical segmentation.

Because segmentation takes into consideration browser, device and other page attributes you have many conditions to use.

First set of conditions

Those conditions should all be true, at the same time.

Make sure you don’t add conditions that exclude themselves: User device is desktop and user device is mobile (user can’t be on desktop and mobile on the same time).

You can use page variables or any of our conditions, all connected through AND operators, so all will need to be true at the same time.

OR conditions

At least one condition from this set needs to be true.

If you add conditions in the first section, and conditions here, the first set of conditions will be ignored if at least one condition from the OR section is true.

Conditions List

Those conditions might always be updated with new ones, so it’s better to check them right under your Recipients tab in Interaction/Poll/Content campaigns.

Traffic sources

Ecommerce events & related

User profile & Behaviour


JS Expression Condition

For onsite campaigns you can use a new type of comparison in your conditions: JS expression

JS expression is a bit different than the rest but open you the door for unlimited validations. For example:


String expressions:

Integer/Float values expressions:

Expression usage:

  • JS expression you enter on the right must return true or false. Any other returned value will be considered false.
  • maximum length of expression is 50 characters.
  • the expression string you enter is evaluated using JS eval method.
  • (x) from the expression gets replaced with the real value of the condition:
    • if it’s null then it will be replaced with null
    • if it’s string make sure you put it into quotes
    • make sure you add those parentheses without spaces

Potential use cases:

  • display a campaign every 3 pages: (x)%3==0
  • length of utm term or search query is exactly 3 characters. “(x)”.length==3
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