Using page variables.
You can set page variables to be used in user segmentation (interaction campaigns only) or to include their values into the templates content.
<script> window._vteq.push(["setVar", "variableName", value]); </script>
You can use this value afterwards into campaign content like: **|vars.variableName|**
There are some reserved Variable Names, already in the list of variables. You can overwrite their values
cartItems -> containing the number of items in the cart (integer)
cartValue -> the total value of the cart (integer/float)
random -> random number between 0 and 100
itemId -> on product pages, itemId is the one sent to our system along with viewitem, addtocart, addtowishlist
category -> on category pages, one sent along with the viewcategory event
query -> on search page, the search term entered by user
pageType -> automatically added by us. Can be any of the following: search, category, product, checkout, confirmation